domingo, 13 de marzo de 2016

HISTORY UNIT 1: The Paleolithic period

In this unit we start the part of History in our subject. We start the human History since the very beginning, with the hominization (evolution) process and the Paleolithic period. 

Here you are some interesting links to prepare this unit:

1) Presentation #1: It is brief and a good introduction in order to set the main concepts of this unit. 

2) Presentation #2: Longer and better adapted to our book. BE CAREFUL because it includes all Prehistory, so also the contents of the unit 2 (Neolithic and Metal Ages)

3) Video #1: About bipedalism with the Australopitheci, the first hominids 

3) Video #2: About the origins of the Earth, the life on our planet and the human evolution. It is funny and didactical, so it will help you to understand the contents of our unit ;-) 

4) Video #3: About the employ of the first stone tools by the Homo Habilis  

5) Video #4: About the discovery of fire by the Homo Erectus