lunes, 21 de mayo de 2018

U10: Classical Greece

In this unit we are going to study the roots of the Western Culture. After Mesopotamia and Egypt, we continue in the Mediterranean Sea, although now in the European bank. This is the story of the Classical Greece.

1) Presentation nº 1: Relatively short and very accurate, a good guide for this unit

2) Presentation nº2: Longer, it would be a good source in order to amplify some contents from this unit  


2) The Greek Civilization (from "Érase una vez el hombre")

lunes, 5 de marzo de 2018

U7: Prehistory

In this unit we start the part of History in our subject. We start the human History since the very beginning, with the hominization (evolution) process and the Paleolithic period. 

Here you are some interesting links to prepare this unit:

1) Presentation #1: It is brief and a good introduction in order to set the main concepts of this unit. 

2) Presentation #2: Longer and better adapted to our book. BE CAREFUL because it includes all Prehistory, so also the contents about Neolithic and Metal Ages

3) Video #1: About bipedalism with the Australopitheci, the first hominids 

3) Video #2: About the origins of the Earth, the life on our planet and the human evolution. It is funny and didactical, so it will help you to understand the contents of our unit ;-) 

4) Video #3: About the employ of the first stone tools by the Homo Habilis  

5) Video #4: About the discovery of fire by the Homo Erectus

martes, 20 de febrero de 2018

Unit 6: Spain´s physical environment and bioclimates

You can see HERE the presentation about the Unit 6. It is focused to our country, in sense of Physical Geography, relief, shores, river basins and biodiversity. 

I hope you find it useful in order to prepare this unit.

jueves, 18 de enero de 2018

Unit 4: Natural bioclimatic zones on the Planet Earth

You can prepare our unit 4, focused on the natural landscapes in our Planet, with the help of THIS PRESENTATION




EXERCISES for Tuesday, January 30th:

1) What is the name of these pictures? What is represented here?

2) Describe briefly the elements of these pictures: period of time, elements of climate represented here, how are they, etc...

3) Which kind of climate, in your opinion, do these graphs correspond with (Tropical, Mediterranean, etc...)?