miércoles, 20 de diciembre de 2017

Problems with atmospheric pressure

Here you can watch some videos about problems related with the atmospheric pressure:

1) Chapter of "Desafío Extremo" with Jesús Calleja. They climb the Kilimanjaro very well-prepared, but some of the tourists suffer the altitude sickness (mal de altura).

2) El "síncope de la apnea" for scuba divers, specially those without any oxigen equiptment (inmersión por apnea)

3) Problems with the pressure in the cabin in a comercial flight

However, remember these situations are produced by incorrect human behaviors. It is necessary to respect Nature and also the limits of the human body, but it is no good to be scared neither. You can practice all these activities and sports if you want, but always been responsible and following a very correct equipment and previous preparation :-)

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